Todo list for my fifties

I am a person of lists. Each Monday morning I write a todo list for the week which is broken into sections for work, personal, and hobby goals for that week. Well, last week was my birthday, and not just any birthday, last week I turned 50 and what follows is my todo list to accomplish by June 3, 2029:

1. End the decade happily married to Shelli with 4 healthy kids (or more)?!

2. Buy a vacation property I can rent out when not in use. Somewhere Shelli and I love. Something around $1m. Big enough for several kids to stay with us there. Hawaii? Pensacola? Grand Lake?

3. Get a new job (preferably within Cisco). Especially a travel job after the girls graduate NN. Travel with Shelli. Don’t be scared!

4. Mentor someone (not a family member)

5. Start/join a men’s coffee group.

6. Own a performance Tesla (0-60 <= 2.4)

7. End the decade with 3x my net worth of June 2020 in total net worth.

8. Help Austin find a career opportunity

9. Help Evan find a career opportunity

10. Learn the song meaning behind the lyrics of as many songs as I can.

Prime Infrastructure Proximity Tracing Tool

I have created a proximity tracing tool using data exported from Prime Infrastructure.   The tool is currently located at   Please check it out and give me feedback.

To use the tool, the user inputs a “client sessions” report from prime infrastructure. The report has to have the fields of AP name, Session Duration, and RSSI added in, using the exact order shown below.

You can generate for any length of time, I’m currently using either 1 or 7 days when I generate reports. Sorting the output data does not matter.  When finished, export to .csv and use that file for the input of the tool.

To use the tool input your file and a MAC address of interest (this would be the person with COIVD19 that you want to track who they came next to).  The other 3 fields (max RSSI diff, time resolution, and time offset are optional, defaults are given)


Push the Trace contact button, and the script fires away. It comes back with something like the following:

Simple and effective.

For the week of May 16 MAC 84:85:06:BC:F6:C8 was in contact (<3dBm) with 84:85:06:bf:fc:46 for 1 hour 40 minutes at the AP named MEMO-MAIN-129, and so on.

If you want to play with the tool you can use the PI logfile named “agahome_may28.csv”.  and search for the spreader MAC of e4:b2:fb:87:8f:62. That’s my iPhone. Try using different RSSI resolutions and time values.


The tool is located at